Monica Shaka

Biography Monica Shaka

Monica Shaka
Music has always been part of my life. Growing up to the sounds of my fathers clarinet, piano and concerts, I can say that part of me expresses itself through song. After years of making music the focal point of my life, I realised it was meant to remain a passion and a means of expression for me. Mantras and chanting are a perfect way to combine my musical world with spirituality and give free expression to my soul through the vocal channel whilst connecting not only to my history, but also to the history of the mantras that carry thousands of years of positive vibrations.

“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music” Aldous Huxley

Yoga teacher and practitioner, professional jazz singer, massage therapist and interpreter if needed….. I can honestly say that yoga has saved my life. After 25 years of practicing regularly I am in less pain now then when I was 18 years old and would have to stop to sit down because my back was causing intense pain. My double scoliosis was the reason. Many things have helped me on my path of exploration, self-discovery and alignement. Rolfing has done wonders for my body, therapies for my mind, eating consciously, taking care of limiting the chemicals I put into my body….. but yoga has brought the most global and durable effect on my well-being, physically but most importantly mentally and spiritually. The mind is a tremendously powerful tool, used to our advantage if mastered. The yoga teachings allow us to understand the functioning of this tool all the while freeing us from it - to ultimately connect to ‘Atman’ - our Higher Self and Source.

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